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Escaping Domestic Violence article 2 of 3 on domestic violence prevention.

Escaping Domestic Violence

It doesn’t matter what race, financial status, sex or religion you fall into, you can still become a victim of domestic violence. The Texas Council on Family Violence (TCFV) released a report that showed that about 150 women were killed by domestic violence in 2016. They were murdered by intimate partners, ex-husbands, ex-boyfriends, or husbands.

The state of Texas recognizes three types of domestic violence. They include aggravated assault, domestic assault and continuous violence against the family.  Violence can only be considered domestic violence if it includes violence against:

  • The offender’s family member by adoption, marriage or by blood
  • A former or current spouse
  • A person with whom the accused has a child or children
  • A foster child or the foster parent of the offender
  • A person living with the offender
  • A person the offender is dating or has date or has an ongoing romantic relationship with

An Aggravated bodily assault involves an offender intentionally, knowingly and recklessly causing physical injury to someone else. The offender can do this using a weapon to injure the victim or threaten the victim.

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Texas Collaborative Divorce – Family Law

The Collaborative Law Divorce in Texas

Divorcing couples seeking to avoid the contentious nature of traditional divorce litigation turn to collaborative law divorce as an alternative. Traditional divorce litigation takes a long time and can be very expensive. But the less stressful collaborative divorce process is quicker and allows the couple to create a customized divorce at a lower cost.

Through a collaborative divorce process a couple can negotiate how best to protect their families and preserve their assets and resources.  They do not have to endure the stress associated with court hearings. This makes it more likely for a better outcome from the collaborative negotiations.

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Texas Spousal Support – Cohabitation Laws in Texas

Spousal Support & The Cohabitation Rule in Texas

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Spousal maintenance or alimony can only be provided after conditions specified in the Texas Family Code have been met. Texas courts require that one spouse offer financial support to the other spouse after a divorce. But the recipient must qualify for the post-marital financial support.

Termination of spousal support may happen if the spouse that was receiving the support dies or gets remarried.  Financial support may also be terminated if the recipient shares a home with an intimate partner.

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What is Joint Conservatorship in Texas?

Texas Custodial Parents

The common meaning of the term “conservator” is an individual appointed by a court to oversee the preservation of the property of an incapacitated person. But in Texas, a custodial parent is referred to as a conservator while custody arrangements for divorced or separated parents are called conservatorships. Instead of visitation rights, Texas non-custodial parents maintain the rights for child access and possession.

Texas Child Custody Agreements

Texas conservatorship rules are similar to other states’ child custody agreements, decisions and orders.  But the terminology used is different from those of other states because traditional terminology was abandoned after the Texas Family Code was codified. Parents are allowed by the court to design a custody plan but a court has to approve it. The parents can go to trial if they cannot resolve their conservatorship disputes.

Remember the court requires a written agreement that reflects the best interests of the child.  The two types of conservatorship in Texas are the joint managing conservatorship and sole managing conservatorship.

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Bigamy and Texas Law

Any mention of bigamy at a gathering can easily spark a heated debate anywhere in Texas. The Texas family code makes it clear that an individual can only have one spouse. You cannot marry another person when you are still married to someone. But some people still choose to migrate around Texas and enter into common law marriages although they are formally married elsewhere.

Sometimes someone may unintentionally marry someone else believing that their previous marriage ended but find out later that it still exists. An experienced divorce Texas lawyer can help such a person start a comprehensive divorce process to end their previous marriage.

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Texas Alimony | Am I Eligible For Spousal Support In Texas?

Report: Alimony in Texas – Divorce is one of the most emotional proceedings in Texas courts. What can make divorce an even more emotional happening is the possibility of supporting an ex-spouse, oftentimes in addition to the division of community property and the payment of child support. This can be overwhelming for the spouse that is ordered to pay spousal support or maintenance. However, this may be a just and right solution to the ex-spouse who is unable to earn enough income due to barriers created during the marriage. Spousal support, a/k/a Alimony…or what the Texas statute refers to as spousal maintenance, is a fortunate solution for ex-spouses. What is spousal support and who is eligible? Let’s discuss.

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Guardian Ad Litem vs. Attorney Ad Litem

Protecting the interests of a ward, or proposed ward is a Texas court’s primary interest. In order to protect those interests, the court may appoint individuals with distinct duties to represent a ward or proposed ward. Two of those individuals are called a guardian ad litem and an attorney ad litem. What are their roles and who do they differ? Let’s see.

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Temporary Restraining Orders in Texas, Harris County

Circumstances arise in which parties are in need of immediate protection from certain individuals. Fortunately, the Texas Family Code provides an immediate response to potential danger and provides protection to a party, a child, or property. This protection comes in the form of a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO). What is a TRO and what does it do? Let’s discuss.

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Houston Family Lawyers

Grounds For Annulment

The terms annulment and divorce are oftentimes confused. Although, at first glance, these terms might seem similar, they are actually very distinct. In short, a divorce occurs to end a once valid marriage; an annulment occurs to end a marriage that was never valid.  In order to determine whether or not a marriage is valid, it is important to review the grounds for annulment.

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Annulment Marriage vs. Void Marriage

The dissolution of marriages is a common happening in Texas Courts. Dissolution could occur through proceedings such as divorce or annulment. A marriage may also be considered completely void. What is the difference between a marriage dissolved by annulment and a marriage that is voided? Let’s see.

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