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Fathers Divorce Lawyers Texas

Fathers Divorce Lawyers Texas

There used to be an assumption that mothers are better at nurturing or taking care of children. Fathers can get custody with the help of experienced and aggressive divorce lawyers in Texas. An experienced lawyer will fight for your rights including the right to contribute to your child’s growth and development In Texas, there is … Read more

Wife Moved Out Before Divorce

Wife Moved Out Before Divorce in Texas

When a marriage falters, one spouse may feel compelled to move out. While this decision might seem justified due to personal reasons, it can introduce significant legal and financial complications that could complicate a future divorce. If you find yourself in a situation where your wife has moved out before finalizing a divorce, consulting with … Read more

What You Should Not Do During A Separation

What You Should Not Do During A Separation

Spouses that do not want a divorce can seek legal separation in some states. This allows them to know their rights and obligations when they are living apart.  Couples can use that period of time they are separated to determine whether they should stay together or have a divorce.  But you need to avoid some … Read more

Texas Alimony Laws

Texas Alimony Laws

Navigating The Complexities of Texas Alimony Laws Divorce is a challenging process, filled with emotional turmoil and significant life changes. One of the most critical aspects of this process is understanding the financial implications, particularly when it comes to alimony and spousal maintenance. In Texas, these laws can be complex and often misunderstood, leading to … Read more

What Is A Wife Entitled To In A Divorce In Texas

What Is A Wife Entitled To In A Divorce In Texas

How Long Do You Have To Be Married To Get Half Of Everything In Texas How Much Alimony Does A Wife Get In Texas? Are you a Texas resident considering divorce? There are several legal considerations to make before pulling the trigger, especially when it comes to getting an advantageous outcome. You need to know … Read more

How To Get a Divorce In Texas

How To Get A Divorce In Texas

How To File For Divorce In TX Whether you’re ready to begin the process of getting a divorce or just beginning to consider your options, understanding how Texas law works when it comes to separation can be daunting. However, with the right knowledge and advice from an experienced attorney by your side, navigating the complex … Read more

Online Divorce Texas

Online Divorce Texas

Filing For Divorce In Texas Online Can You File For Divorce Online In Texas Are you ready to file for divorce from your spouse in Texas? You may be feeling overwhelmed by the thought of going through the process — but it doesn’t have to be as daunting or intimidating as you think. With an … Read more

best divorce attorney for men near me

Best Divorce Attorney For A Man Near Me

Looking for the best divorce lawyer for men? Men involved in the divorce process need an attorney that will fight for their rights as fathers and for their assets.  Many men that are seeking divorce feel that the family courts seem to favor their wives’ interests. It can seem that Texas family law heavily favors … Read more

Definition Of Uncontested Divorce

Definition Of Uncontested Divorce

Noncontested Divorce In Texas Amicable Divorce In Texas The number of divorces filed in Texas has been increasing every year.  Contrary to what you may think, a significant number of these divorce cases were finalized without a protracted nasty fight.  This is because a majority of couples that have ended their marriage in Texas have … Read more

child custody laws in texas for grandparents

Grandparent’s Rights in Texas

Normally grandparents play a unique role in many families that helps in keeping the family together. This includes acting as a nanny for their grandkids when their parents are away at work or other engagements. But sometimes they have to step in and raise their grandkids when the parent’s are dead, incarcerated or are declared … Read more

failure to pay child support in texas

Failure To Pay Child Support in Texas

In Hunt County Texas, on April of 2018 Sheriff Randy Meeks and his department arrested 16 parents who violated court orders requiring them to pay child support. Attorney General, Ken Paxton, commended the Sheriff and his team for holding accountable those who attempt to evade child support. This clearly shows that a spouse that fails … Read more