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Men’s Rights Lawyer | Father’s Rights Attorney

Men’s Rights Lawyer

Fathers have a right to be in the lives of their children and whether they are divorced from the mother or were not married to the mother of the children. It’s not a secret that many fathers are wary of family courts because they believe the courts make decisions that are more favorable to the mothers. In theory, family law courts look out for the best interests of the child, not the parents.

There are existing laws that protect the father’s relationship with their children. Recent history shows that it is completely reasonable for a man to fear that the court will treat you harshly when deciding on child support, custody, and other issues. You need an experienced men’s rights lawyer that can help you get custody in court.

Definition Of The Child’s Best Interest

Best Men's Rights LawyerTexas Family Code 153.002

Texas Family Code 153.002 states that “The best interest of the child shall always be the primary consideration of the court in determining the issues of conservatorship and possession of and access to the child.”

It means that the judge will always consider the child’s welfare and other needs when making a decision.  That means that the lawyers representing the father and the mother must always show that their client’s interests are in line with the best interests of the child.

The court considers the following factors when deciding what’s in the best interest of the child:

  • Stability of each parent: This is stability in terms of earning an income, maintaining a stable home, providing child care, and so on.  Each parent’s stability impacts positively or negatively the child’s development and well-being.
  • The emotional and physical needs of the child: The court will consider the child’s best needs and the ability of the parents to provide for those needs. This includes health, education and other needs the child may have. Parents must demonstrate that they can put the needs of their children above their own.
  • Ability to maintain a relationship with the child:  When parents help each other bring up their children, the children benefit immensely.  That is why courts often ensure both parents are involved in the child’s life. A parent that discourages a child from spending time with the other parent is a behavior called alienation.
  • Whether a parent is a danger to the child:  Any history of abuse or drug use by the parent will lead to the court restricting the relationship between the child and the parents. You need to work with your men’s rights lawyer to bring this history of abuse or drug abuse of the troubled parent to the court’s attention. You can present police reports, emails, texts, and other documents as proof.
  • Involvement of the parent in the child’s life: The Texas family court will consider each parent’s involvement in the child’s life when granting custody. They never consider the gender of the parent.

But despite these factors sometimes fathers are overlooked in custody situations. You need an experienced men’s rights attorney to stand up for your parental rights.  A men’s rights lawyer representing you increases your chances of getting full custody and participating fully in your child’s life.